Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Happy Bloggiversary!

Umm. . . so this was actually yesterday. . . but I forgot :(

It's been one whole year since I started this blog! We've been through some times, haven't we? Happy posts, sad posts, and lots and lots of reviews.  What are your faves? What are you most excited to read?

And, in honour of the day, here's my greatest hits, the top 5 most read posts from the past year:

5.  Frugal Fridays:  Save Money By Planning Your Meals (Oct. 23, 2015)

I'm happy one of my Frugal Fridays posts made the cut! It's kind of fun for me to cost things out and think about responsible finances :)  Here are all of my Frugal Fridays posts.

4.  Fabletics August  2015 Review (Aug. 16, 2015)

Still love me some Fabletics :)  November's review is coming soon! (here it is!)

3.  SquareHue September 2015 Review (Sept. 19, 2015)

Well, that's interesting. . . I'm not subbed to SquareHue any longer and this post pretty much explains why.  I guess a lot of you felt similarly?

2.  Memebox Superbox #77 Foot Therapy Review (Dec. 14, 2014)

An oldie!  And one of my first box reviews!  Memebox was so fantastic for a time.  And then they broke up with the world (well, aside from the US, China and South Korea basically).  Ah, well, here's a throwback to what once was.

And. . . the most read post on my blog this year was. . .

1.  Colour Blindness:  Figuring It Out (Sept. 2, 2015)

Thanks for this :)  Obviously this is a topic near and dear to my heart and my first post about raising a child with colour blindness was a long time in the making.  It definitely needed more researching than most of my posts.  And it's also one of the ones I am most proud of.  It is rewarding to see many of you felt similarly :)

Here are all the posts in my series on this topic.

Whether you've been with me all year or this is your first visit, thank you.  When I started this, it was just for me to write.  I wasn't sure anyone would even care to read what I had to say.  While I know I don't have a huge readership (blogger has stats, you know), I do know that there are some of you who stop by from time to time.  So thanks!  Cheers!

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